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  1. Review each bill and take notes before meeting as a committee. Record your thoughts about each bill on your Bill Review Guide.
  2. Members should build consensus as they review each bill, choosing from the following legislative actions:

    Actions Descriptions

    This action recognizes the value and quality of the bill and moves it onto the House Floor for all Members of the House. A comment on the general reasoning why the bill was approved must be included either by the teacher or a designated student.

    Return to Author (amend)

    This selection supports the legislation, but allows your committee to offer changes or amendments. Your committee must write the amendment you want and then your teacher or a student designated by your teacher will enter it as a comment. An amendment entered by a student must be approved by their teacher. Amendments should be specific and not in the form of a question. The author(s) of the bill will review the proposed amendment.

    If the author(s) accept the amendment, they will edit the bill accordingly in the form, submit it to their teachers who will then review the changes and submit it back to the committee teacher who will approve the bill. The author(s) may choose to submit a counter proposal to the amendment which will follow a similar course back to the committee's teacher. The committee must then discuss the counter proposal. If it is accepted by the committee, the committee then informs their teacher who will approve the bill. If the committee does not agree with the counter proposal, it can have the bill returned again to the author or Reject the bill if it appears that a resolution is unlikely. Keep in mind that any bills in the amendment process that have not been Approved or Rejected by Tuesday, March 11th will not go on to the House Floor.


    This selection means your committee did not think the bill had significant value or simply did not agree with it. Rejected bills will die in the committee session and do not go on to the House Floor. A comment on the general reasoning why the bill was rejected must be included either by the teacher or a designated student (and approved by the teacher).

  3. Your teacher or a student designated by their teacher will enter the overall committee comments about each bill that your committee considers. If a student is selected to enter these comments, the teacher must log in and approve them. The teacher will then vote to Approve, Reject or Amend the author's bill an behalf of the committee.

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