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Civil Liberties and Constitutional Issues - Resources

Civil Liberties
Scott Stantis

Civil Liberties
Dana Summers

Civil Liberties

Civil Liberties and Constitutional Issues - Web Resources

Text of the Bill of Rights.

American Civil Liberties Union. Issues briefs, reports, news links, case histories, activism opportunities.

Alliance For Justice. Nationally-based coalition dedicated to ensuring access to justice, strengthening the public interest community and fostering the next generation of advocates.

Justice Department site on the USA PATRIOT Act.

Defending Rights and Dissent. Works to strengthen participatory democracy by protecting the right to political expression.

Freedom Forum. The Freedom Forum is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) foundation dedicated to fostering First Amendment freedoms for all.

Association of Research Libraries' Copyright and Intellectual Property page. Legislation, resources, links.

American Constitution Society. An organization promoting equality and access to justice for all individuals of U.S. society. ACS demonstrates a progressive vision of the law on issues such as privacy, freedom of speech, immigration, and international human rights.

Institute for Free Speech. Promotes and defends the First Amendment rights to freely speak, assemble, publish, and petition the government .

Center for Constitutional Rights. Organization to protect and advance civil rights given by Constitution and Human Rights Declarations. Includes news on legal decisions concerning civil liberties and human rights as well as analysis of anti-terrorism legislation.

Major Political Parties

Republican National Committee

Republican Party platform

Democratic National Committee

Democratic Party platform.

Third Parties

Green Party of the United States

Green Party platform

Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party platform

Politics1.com. For information on other third parties, use the Politics1.com Directory of American Political Parties.

Government / Politics Links:

The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal.

Congress.org. A service of Capitol Advantage, a private, nonpartisan company that specializes in facilitating civic participation.

NewsNation Politics

CNN.com "Inside Politics"

Political Information.com. A targeted, nonpartisan search engine just for politics and policy.

Public Agenda. A nonpartisan opinion research organization.
